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Posture and Spine Screening

Free Postural Screening and Spinal Motion Analysis

1.  Do you have your eyes screened annually?

2.  Do you have your teeth checked annually?

3.  Do you have a physical annually?

4.  Do you have your posture/spine screened annually?

You probably answered yes to questions 1, 2, and 3 and no to question 4.

Do you know that 100% of human beings get osteoarthritis?  A high percentage of us will also develop osteoporosis.  A 15 minute posture exam (that includes computerized measurements of  your spinal ranges of motion and software analysis of your posture) can pick up early signs of both conditions and help you avoid debilitating problems in the future.

Let’s get you to answer YES to question 4 by calling RightSPINE Chiropractic Neurology at (781) 581-7300 to schedule your COMPLIMENTARY posture screening during the month of May.


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  1. says
    May 19, 2015 at 11:29 AM

    For anyone who has seen this post but hasn't taken us up on our offer, you still have another 2 weeks to get in and get this done for FREE!! We believe the old saying, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure", and we're willing to give our time to make sure that you stay healthy, not only now but in the future!!

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